4shared.com Download MP3

4shared.com Download MP3 - Actually posting about 4shared already been discussed in detail in this blog. But the existence of these postings focused on video features are available for free download via 4shared sharing site that its existence was very famous. Through this article, the blog Karo Cyber ​​want to share information about the site 4shared.com, in particular MP3 feature that you can download for free through the site in question.

Site images 4shared.com

Well ... how to download MP3 via 4shared site easily? Here is an explanation and hopefully with the presence of this writing friends will find the latest tricks find MP3 files that you want to download from 4shared site, which is one of the largest file sharing sites in the world today.

How to find MP3 on 4shared

- Visit 4shared.com

- In the search field type in existing MP3 disedikan who want to download, such as "Song Karo" and press enter or press the "Search" using your mouse.

- Once the search results page appears, then that is a whole different type of file, whether video, mp3, pictures and so forth. To find more specific information about the existence 4shared MP3 in this, then you should do next is select the tab "MP3" under the search field.

- After the tab "Video" you choose will then instantly appear various MP3 files with the appropriate title with the word you entered. Here we can re-create a variety of options, which determine the size of video files that consist of a minimum size and maximum size.

- If the search results are in accordance with your wishes, then the MP3 4shared now can be downloaded directly by clicking the link one file that is in conformity hearts you.

Another way to find the MP3 file via 4shared.com can be done with the help of the media search engine google.com site. The steps to find MP3 files on 4shared.com of google can be done as follows:

1. Visit google.com

2. in the column on the google search please type "site: 4shared.com + Title Song" without the quotes

example: "site: 4shared.com purple if it's the best"

3. then you will instantly see the display titled Purple MP3 file search If it's the best as shown below below.

How to open a blocked site 4shared.com

Given the many reports that until now there are many who can not open the site 4shared.com, then to overcome it is to be done by replacing your Internet DNS.

The stages of change control can be done in the following way:

1. Open Windows Explorer

2. Right Click On the "My Network Places"

3. Select "Properties"

4. 2x click on the "Local Area Conection"

5. Then click 2x on the "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)

6. Choose the section "Use the following DNS server Addresses"

- In the "Preferred DNS server enter" "without the quotes.

- In the Alternate DNS server enter "" without the quotes.

7. Click "OK" to complete the process of setting up DNS.

Ps: DNS is used here is the free DNS provided by Google

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